Saturday, July 30, 2011


 This was a beautiful little town...we felt like we were in Europe in the middle of Washington State!  There were flower boxes everywhere, every single business in the town (McDonald's, Safeway, Bank of America, Subway, 76 Gas Station...everything) had European architectural setup. It was such a neat feel, and not only was the buildings authentic looking but the food....was amazing!!!
 Seth went to this chocolate store three times!! It was the best chocolate I had ever had, they had these sea salt carmels...yummy!!
 This was the best pretzel I have ever eaten in my was roll your eyes good you didn't want to chew b/c you didn't want the flavor to end in your mouth!!!  Seth had Schnitzel and red cabbage ( I ate cabbage just for you Debbie!) and we had an accordion player playing in the background with some older people dancing to polka!! Loved it!

 Hat we had to play dress up!! Seth's three wishes were all for more chocolate!!!
 I was on a Harry Potter kick because the final movie came out the next day!!!
 Medusa!! Don't look into my eyes!
 This is my new boutique dress that I got in Leavenworth...I couldn't wait to wear it!
 See what I mean...there was detail everywhere!

 My favorite part of Leavenworth was their summer theater!! The first night we watched "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" which was really funny and I was very impressed!  The next night we watched "The Sound of Music" up in the Cascade's as the sun was setting on the hillside we started hearing "The Hills are alive with the Sound of Music...." that was such a wonderful night!
Camping at Leavenworth

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