Monday, February 28, 2011


 I bought the coolest handmade bracelet (that Jessi will be so jealous of) at this cute little old lady who was a Duvall street vendor.
 These were the bathrooms at Fort Zachary (Civil War Fort in Key West) that was the breeding ground of mosquitoes that caused really bad break outs of yellow fever.  

 Sunset at Mallory Pier...this is supposed to be the prettiest sunset spot in the US of A....we heard on the grapevine that Oprah has a house on that island out there!

 Street performer from Branson, MO haha!
Debbie and Seth wanted to try some Cuban Food in Key West since we were 90 miles from Cuba!
 Seth and I are snorkeling off of Key West where we saw tons of fish that we could swim through along with some sting rays!

 The water was beautiful blue green!


 We saw a some incredible wildlife on our trip overall. The bird above jiggles his throat...way cool! We started the day off with a sea canoe trip where we saw tons of birds and a huge tarpon fish flew out of the water by up...crazy!
The Man of War Jellyfish were all over so we had to be really careful b/c their sting is really really painful....we heard it was like an electrical shock.

 This goes to show you how close these gators can get to you....this gator could crawl out an sunbath on the walking path if he took a few more steps....crazy close!

 This is our primitate camp site at Long Key State Park in the Florida Keys. We WERE excited to get this site....but after a few minutes we noticed that the area was INFESTED with 'No See em" swarms....I am not over exaggerating here and we just paid in full for two nights at this place.....long night! 

 Sunset in the keys


 Debbie is pointing out a gator! They were really active b/c it was really hot outside so their blood was warmed they were moving, swimming, and one was showing his mouth off to us.

 Gator sighting!
 There is no rubber band on that mouth we will have you know!
 That is a big guy! Seth was giving me a play by play on how he would protect if that gator decided that I was lunch...he is studly :-)
 Notice the gator off the walking path, and yes gators can jump about the length of their body...that is too close for comfort!
 There is this fruit stand before you get into the Everglades National Park that is always poppin' due to it huge variety of fruit and their famous fresh fruit milkshakes. We got a key lime milkshake....FABULOUS!!!! Debbie got some interesting that tasted like egg custard and a chocolate fruit (that didn't taste like choclate) haha!

 Sunset in the Everglades!
 Chocolate Fruit that looks like mud or baby poo....haha!
 We roasted dogs over the fire as I got eaten up by mosquitoes....I am such a wimp when it comes to biting bugs!!!
Sick...that is what the chocolate looks like when you eat...thanks for the example baby!


 We rented bikes and rode around Sanibel Island for the day. Our first stop was the tip of the island with the lighthouse where we had a good view of Fort Myers and where Seth found us a starfish!!
 Sanibel has great bike paths all over the island...Debbie got her bone density that day :-)
 Gopher Tortosie that about tried to eat seth's big toe, but decided not to take a nibble...good eyes Deb!
 Seth thought that the tortoise was pretty cool...he said if he was a little boy he would be begging to have him come home as a pet. :-)
 There are huge mansions on Captiva Island...a little island right off of Sanibel Island.
 LIFE IS GOOD in Sanibel Island!
 Sunset on Sanibel

 Fried everything you could think of for dinner....oysters, scallops, clams, calamari, and even GATOR!!!
 Seth is getting ready to eat GATOR!
Moon shine on the gulf.